YB·DX-98-7A电动吸痰机 详细信息: YB·DX-98-7A ELECTRIC PORTABLE ABSORB PHLEGM UNIT/电动吸痰机 特点: 1、电动吸痰机采用无油自润滑的双柱塞泵作负压吸引源,由负压泵(双柱塞泵)、负压调节器、负压指示器、收集容器组件、机箱等组成; 2、具有可根据病人的痰液的粘稠度进行无级调压的特点,能迅速吸出浓痰和粘液,减轻病人痰阻塞的痛苦,起到转危为安的作用; 3、本机具有溢流阀安全装置,安全可靠; 4、本机按防电击类型及程度分类为Ⅰ类设备B型应用部分,运行模式为连续运行,IPX0、非AP型或APG型普通设备; 5、产品符合GB9706.1、YY0505、YY0636.1相关要求。 技术指标: 1、负压极限值:≥0.08MPa(600mmHg); 2、负压调节范围:0.02~0.08MPa(150~600mmHg); 3、抽气速率:泵口(出气口)≥20L/min,终端≥15L/min; 4、电源:AC220V±22V,50Hz±1Hz; 5、消耗功率:≤60VA; 6、噪声:≤60dB; 7、收集容器容量:1000mL; 8、工作环境:温度:+5℃~+35℃,相对湿度:25℃不**过80%,大气压力:86KPa~106KPa。 FEATURES: 1、Electric absorb phlegm unit adopts oil-free self-lubricating single plunger pump as suction source of negative pressure, comprised of negative pressure pump (single plunger pump), negative pressure regulator, negative pressure indicator, collection container assembly and framework etc.; 2、It can execute the stepless pressure regulation according to the viscosity of patient's phlegm, the phlegm and mucus can be sucked out rapidly, relieve the patient's pain causing by phlegm blocking thus to be out of danger; 3、Overflow valve safety device is equipped, safe and reliable; 4、According to shock proof type and degree, the electric suction apparatus is divided into class Ⅰ device type B application part, run mode is continuous, IPX0, none AP type or APG type common devices; 5、The products meet related requestments of IEC60601-1,IEC60601-1-2,ISO10079-1. TECHNICAL SPECS: 1、Negative pressure limit: ≥0.08MPa(600mmHg); 2、Negative pressure adjustable range: 0.02~0.08MPa(150~600mmHg); 3、Pumping rate: hole (air vent)≥20L/min, terminal≥15L/min; 4、Power: AC220V±22V, 50Hz±1Hz; 5、Input: ≤60VA; 6、Noise: ≤60dB; 7、Collection container capacity: 1000ml; 8、Work environment: temperature:+5℃~+35℃, relative humidity: 25℃ no exceeding 80%, atmospheric pressure: 86KPa~106KPa. 执行标准:YZB/苏0047-2012 生产许可证:苏食药监械生产许2001-0173号 注册证号:苏食药监械(准)字2012*2540055号